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Workforce Resources

Finding qualified talent can be a challenge for employers. Here are some resources to help you find candidates.

San Luis Obispo County Workforce Development In Person Meeting

Feeling overwhelmed about hiring employees? Give the San Luis Obispo County Workforce Development team a call to set up a free in-person meeting and learn how workforce development services can be customized to meet your business needs.  The team will conduct a needs assessment, provide awareness of workforce development programs, provide feedback regarding existing recruitment programs, and explain how to save money on specialized training programs.

America’s Job Center

America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) can help you find the quality staff you are looking for. They provide a wide range of free professional services for businesses of all varieties. Some services they provide include:

  • Applicant recruiting and screening
  • On the job training incentives
  • Testing and interviewing facilities
  • Layoff aversion

AJCC can assist employers in finding and hiring skilled workers. Via CalJOBS, employers can post unlimited job listings, search and screen résumés, and contact potential applicants. Employers can also connect with local resources to provide training programs for their employees, learn about tax credits for their business, and access additional resources, including labor market information.


America’s Job Center of California
880 Industrial Way, Suite 102
San Luis Obispo, CA
(805) 903-1400
Open 8 am to 5 pm
– – –
Workforce Development
3220 Higuera St., Suite 231
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 835-9319


Eckerd Connects’ Workforce Development provides career pathways and support to adults, dislocated workers, and youth ages 16 and older. Its one-stop delivery system provides a range of career services to fit the needs of each individual. Additionally, Workforce Development aligns with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and provides all of its employment services free of charge to eligible participants.


Eckerd Workforce Development
3220 S Higuera St #231, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 703-3390

Job Placement Organizations

3450 Broad Street, Suite 102
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 762-4907

Criú Hospitality Professionals
P.O BOX 1263
Templeton, CA 93465
(805) 237-0882

United Staffing Associates
840 Spring St.
Paso Robles, CA 93446
(805) 369-0009

Volt Workforce Solutions
714 Pine Street
Paso Robles, CA 93446
(805) 237-0882

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