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Templeton 4th of July Celebration

Templeton 4th Of July Web Page

We're so excited to see you at our favorite Annual Event! Get out your red, white, and blue-themed attire, and make sure you find a location where you can watch the parade before it starts.

4th Of July Event Schedule and Activities


Brought to you by The Paso Robles & Templeton Chamber of Commerce, you and your family are invited to one of the most popular events in SLO County.  Arrive early and enjoy a fun-filled celebration!

  • 7 - 10 AM: Pancake Breakfast - The Templeton Fire Department
  • 10 AM: Start Of The Parade Coordinated By The Rotary Club of Templeton
  • 11 AM - 3 PM: Live Band, Bounce house, Food and Drinks, Events & Fun Activities In The Templeton Park.

Become a vendor or volunteer at the treasured 4th of July event in Templeton Park!

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