Legislative Agenda
The Chamber has worked very hard to establish itself as the Voice of Paso Robles Businesses at the local, state and federal levels.
Business owners, managers, supervisors and employees just do not have the time to stay on top of legislation that could severely impact business operations. For this reason the Chamber reviews proposed legislation, takes a position, and communicates that position to the appropriate governing agencies and its membership.
Pending Current Legislation
Regional Collaboration
The Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce is proud to be an active and involved member in several local, regional and state-wide organizations that help us champion for our local business community:
Local Representatives
Whether you are meeting with your city councilman or your congressperson, you have a message to convey and you want to make the best of the time you are allotted. Whatever it is you want; be it a law against allowing dogs to ride unsecured in the back of a pick-up truck in your community, a state law against taxing sunflower farmers or a federal law against diverting military funds, you have a voice. And there is nothing sweeter to the ears of your local representative than the voice of a constituent. They do want to meet with you.
Tips on how to meet with your local representatives:
Is Your Issue Local, State or Federal?
Determine if your issue is a local, state or national one. If your issue is something that will affect primarily the people in your community, start with your city council person or county commissioner. If your agenda is more of a state or federal concern, contact and meet with your state representative or your congressman.
Contact Them
Contact the office of your representative. For a local issue, call the City Hall or County Commissioner’s office. State legislators will be at the state capital when the legislation is in session. Senators and congressmen will be in Washington D.C. during legislative session. Determine the representative’s schedule and how you can fit in a meeting.
Your Local Representatives:
SLO County Board of Supervisors