We’re committed to the safety of our community and our guests.
In order to do so, we’ve moved the town outside. Dining and tasting rooms are now serving al fresco and retail stores are offering select in-store browsing, curbside pickups and/or delivery services.
Our local health and government officials work hard to protect the residents and visitors of Paso Robles and we ask for you to visit and explore responsibly. Masks are provided in our welcome kit; pick one up at the Visitor Center today!
Read on to see our top 10 tips to #VisitPaso responsibly!

1. BYO Personal Protective Equipment
When packing, remember to bring your own face covering & portable hand sanitizer! Not only is this a helpful tip for your party to remain safe and aware, but it also saves company money on disposable masks for guests. Also, by bringing a reusable mask, you are helping save the environment! Disposable masks CANNOT be recycled.
Tip: If staying multiple days we recommend bringing two masks so you can wear one and wash your used one each night!

2. Small Group Travel
We want our community and our guests to stay safe so we please ask that you travel in small, intimate groups as to lessen the risk of spreading COVID-19. When preparing to travel, please keep in mind that businesses may be unable to accommodate larger groups due to CDC regulations.

3. Plan Ahead
The official Paso Robles Visitor Center is located in the heart of our downtown. Upon arrival, make a stop to see us! Our welcoming staff will assist you in creating your own experience in our charming community.
Here you can pick up:
- Visitor Guide
- Wine maps
- Tasting room cards
- Referrals to our local attractions
- Community event flyers
- Kid-friendly activities
...and much more!

4. Make Reservations
Prepare businesses for your arrival by calling in advance and booking your experience. Remember to be punctual and arrive early if you are able!
Worried about CDC regulations? Click the button below to access our list of SLO County Self-Certified 'Open & Safe' businesses!

5. Stay Hydrated
As the late summer and fall months are quickly approaching, remember to bring a reusable water bottle, sunscreen, and a hat - it can heat up here! October is known for its extremely hot temperatures in SLO County.

6. Explore the Great Outdoors
Paso Robles is known for its outdoor adventures - from strolling through vineyards to horseback riding through the countryside - there are SO many fun ways to #VisitPaso outdoors. We encourage you to soak in the sunshine, enjoy the fresh air, and explore Paso Robles safely.

7. Patience & Understanding
Please remember that this is a challenging time for everyone - navigating this pandemic has been a rollercoaster of emotions - and give everyone patience and understanding as we join together to flatten the curve. This being said, with extra security and safety measures in place, your experience might have a unique twist of COVID-19 impacts that are unique to each company. We are so thankful for your business and we hope to provide a wonderful, safe vacation for you and yours.

8. Tip Your Service Industry Well
In challenging economic climates, tips go a LONG way. Our service industry workers are some of the most courageous Roblans. Before going to work everyday, they must acknowledge the risk of their job. Hospitality is a gift - especially in a time of masks and extra regulations! Show your appreciation; tip your servers!

9. Write reviews or personalized notes for our local businesses – everything helps!
Your reviews do wonders for local businesses. A hand written note can make someone's day and an online review can encourage more customers to support their favorite Paso Robles businesses!

10. Rinse & Repeat!
Come back to visit us again - our city welcomes you to enjoy the authentic Roblan life! We thrive by sharing our town with friendly visitors like yourself and look forward to making lasting friendships with returning travelers!
Remember to use #visitpaso when sharing your memories for a chance to be featured on our official tourism site!